The .2 is violet and we’ve done 2.2, 5.22, 7.2 and 6.222.
The 2.2 is for clients who like to do a dark dye, close to dark black and want to see violet in it.
If I have a client with a hair level 4/5/6 and would like to do black with some violet, there is no dye that I am aware of containing black/violet. We find blue/black, yes. But this is why I created the black/violet. We can see the color clearly if we have base level 5/6. It is beautiful black/violet, color 2.2.
It is one shade lighter than black. You can see it in the light or in the sun. A beautiful natural black with violet. 5.22 is the natural violet. 6.222 is that strong purple/violet- wild and fun to use. All triple numbers are strong intense colors, .222, .444, .666. The triple digits are strong and intense but produce a beautiful color.