The highlifts are extremely delicate colors and will help us in 2 ways.
1, I use them in my tint on natural hair or to get a low light or lighten the hair 2-3+ degrees.
2, I use them to do a toner, to get a beautiful blond color. I can use any color level 10/11/12 for example 12.11, 12.16, 12.13,11.11 or 10.11.
Let’s explain 10.11, it’s a color that takes out all the yellow color 100% and gives you a natural blond color and doesn’t take you to the grey color. It will give a natural beautiful blond color. Also 11.11 is the same as 10.11 but lighter.
I use 12.13 to produce beautiful golden blonde shades. It is Important to mention that all these suggestions are to be applied on light yellow bleached hair 12.16 is an amazing color that contains grey and red when applied on a light-yellow bleached hair you will get the exact tinge of violet color on the swatch you see in the catalogue.
Often, I mix the 12.16 with 10.11 or 11.11. The colors in the high lift family are really beautiful and amazing.
Also, if I want to use them on natural hair to do a low light or a sun kissed colors, I use them with peroxide 30. This lightens the hair up to 3-4 degrees.
Or if I want to lighten natural hair 2-3 degrees, I can use the highlight with peroxide 20 or 30 depending on the result that I want. So the highlifts are amazing beautiful colors with an amazing brightness and that will give us amazing results.
When doing a low light, we can also support a little bit the highlights with 0.11 that can counter the orange if we are lightening more than 3-4 degrees.