Let’s talk about how to use this family of colors from 4 to 10 and the results that can be obtained. Of course, the person using this dye is a professional and knows when and why to use a number not another.
If we talk about the number 7 for example, it will give you the color on the catalogue and it doesn’t have a strong red color in it.
It has 25% of violet, 50% of grey and its composition in beige is distinctive and does not compare to anything else.
It will give you these exact colors, it won’t take you to red or orange colors because it has grey in it.
This .12 family will kill the red and orange in the colors. For example, if you compare the 7.3 and the 7.12 you will see how the amount of orange and red decrease in the .12 and this gives a natural color.
To get the beige color in the toners you will use from 6 and above but for sure you put the 6 for a shorter time.
Clients that have western hair, they suffer because their natural hair is level 6 – 7 – 8 but they like to be brunette.
And when you go brunette the hair always goes orange. That golden color that fades out so quickly and we see a lot of red.
So, I’ve seen amazing results with this tint and I would like Mounir himself to mention what’s the secret. How do you get the natural shade when you’re going darker and depositing the
color in the hair? It’s natural and beautiful and lasts in the hair.
It depends on the brand. What you are talking about is really important because people suffer from this not only in European and western countries but even in the middle east.
So first it depends on the brand used and then diagnoses of the nature of the hair. How do you diagnose it?
If it is European or Eastern, the thickness of the hair. The diagnosis of the hair is most important because if I use the same color for two women with different hair nature, I won’t get the same color.
Thin hair is easier to get the results than thick hair. Today, the dye plays a major role in the result you obtain. I worked so hard to produce shades and results that are really special and unique. I have lots of clients coming to me with orange, yellow or black hair that has been dyed before.
The transparency of the dye is what characterizes this brand. This is what I was mentioning before. With my brand, you won’t face any problems from any kind with the dye no matter what result you want to get at the end.
In fact, my range of colors can solve many problems. And you can produce many natural shades that are very soft and delicate. This means, no matter what you are doing with the hair the dye is very soft on the hair and it is really smooth on the hair and the colors are really delicate and beautiful.
The coverage of the hair is really smooth, and the color is smooth to look at and this is our client’s feedback.
Our clients are noticing the huge difference once they experience Mounir colors and the results are visible. They can see,feel and touch.
I am talking about not only transformation colors but also about base colors and natural colors too.
Mounir colors have their own identity and it does not resemble anything else.
Your clients will really love it and I can guarantee that hairdressers would not have any problems with my brand as it is specially formulated to preserve and produce natural healthy hair with a balanced color.
What distinguishes our brand is that it gives you the distinct pretty and classy colors that are smooth and seducing to see.
I worked hard and precisely on each family, category, color and composition; to get amazing results.
A big challenge I have is clients come to me from all walks of life and each have their own request.
This is a very important thing as it really helped me to formulate the colors to my clients taste and critics. This drove me to produce something amazing.
My brand will increase peoples trust in me and in my colors. I really care about people’s opinions and comments. I have had such amazing feedback and I am touched by the messages I get and how much they are attached to my brand.
Clients visit my salon from all over the world to get a sense of my colors.
The most important thing is that we worked hard on the composition of this dye so that it doesn’t become red, orange and yellow colors. The challenge that most hairdressers and clients in the world suffer from is the fading to unwanted red and orange.

We move to the ash intensive colors (cendrés) that I personally find really special and i really love it. What can you explain to us about it?
The ash is .11 and .111. Not many brands have this ash intense color that you can use in the salon.
True, these reflects are special for me and even for otheer people.
People see Mounir as the Grey and silver expert and hairdressers around the world are curious as to how to get these shades.
it is known worldwide that each company builds their reflects to mimic this look. Some use blue, others use grey, others green or other colors to get the basic color of grey.
This is where i modified the formula to get a range that looks like me. To produce the shades that my followers see me produce every day.
I changed the pigment composition and proportions of the blue and the grey to produce the best grey to suit my style and in line with the smooth results I like.
This range has really beautiful colors. The grey in it is natural, not fake or dark and doesn’t give blue or green. It gives pure grey.
The colors are amazing, and the coverage is great. In addition,we created the .111 family of colors.
Prsonally, I find the .11 family amazing and perfect.
But we sometimes have cases that oblige you to strengthen the grey. So we invented the .111 shades to support the .11 shades in which we concentrated the grey more.
What we are talking about is really important, lots of people have these problems and I was even one of them. I used to work with many different brands before but because of these challenges, I decided to do my own brand that is versatile.
There is no brand in the world that can give you everything you want and let you achieve all you desire and all your techniques to get pretty colors.
It was this reason, I started to gather all my experience in one brand that looks like me and doesn’t have any limitations.
Now we will talk more about the secrets of this brand and how it can help the hairdresser to facilitate and support their work.
I like to connect with professional hairdressers who have a great passion to create colors.
I made many color families and mixes and ideas available for people that they can use without needing any other product or brand to get any color or result they desire.
it is a wide range and they can use the available reflects to create even more shades.
So Mounir, many hairdressers are suffering because they are not able to get the pretty colors you are creating: beige,blonde, ashy, grey; what do you think the solution is?
The solution is that the hairdresser should have strong tools.
Like me or anyone else who loves to succeed and to produce special work, always look for the products that help you achieve your goals. Today, this brand is an extra helping hand for me:
the powder, ARKITEKT, shampoo, colors, etc. I am doing all this work to get this product to all the salons that would like to get Mounir’s colors. And people can see on social media the level of the results before and the levels we are achieving now.
I used to use 2 tubes from one brand, a tube from another brand, 3-4 tubes from yet another brand just to obtain these
colors that people can see.
What I’ve done is I gathered all this and put it in one brand. This doesn’t mean that you cannot mix colors anymore but what is important is that you can mix them and discover new colors.
I would like to focus on this. I need to ask each person using my brand to try to mix new formulas and colors and you will get even new special and different colors.
What is important is that when a hairdresser uses any of these colors in my range you will get a satisfying result.
This was a problem before, we used to waste so many colors trying to create new shades without knowing what the final result will be.
With this brand, there are no surprises at all with the result with a great focus on the beige and grey colors.
I used to mix 3 different colors to obtain the beige but now with only one tube I can have an amazing result.
The family I am talking about is .12 which is a really important part and its colors are amazing. Beige pink for example.
Many hairdressers are trying to find a satisfying brand to develop their work to a new level.
With this brand, they won’t have the need to mix different brands to get colors, this brand gives them all the choices that
they want, they will be able to obtain any color they want.
This brand will create new talents that I like to see, and in each master class I say there should not be one Mounir only. There should be other people shining too and my goal is to help them.
This brand should reach all my family of followers, the people I influence. They love me.
As you start to use my brand in your salons you will see how the level of your work and the results will change. This is another world, and as it changed my life, it will change everyone else’s life too.

First, the base fixes the color to get a better starting point.
The .0 is the base or natural base color, I prefer it in the cases where we have 30% to 50% white hair.
And if you have above 60% or 70% to 100% white hair, it is better to use the .00. But in principle this dye’s coverage of white hair is really excellent, really strong and has tremendous coverage The natural bases cover the white, we don’t face any challenges with it at all.
To explain, natural base .0- when you for example use 5.0, it will give you the base color 5.0 100%. But if you use the 5.00, since it is more concentrated it will give you 1 shade deeper or darker and that is a level 4.
mounir’s message post
Mounir’s Message to the Hair Designers across the Globe!
The ideal person in our domain would automatically follow the rules. However, I would like to point out that in my whole private and professional life, I followed a different pattern; overstepping the guidelines. I consider my work as my ultimate adventure. My constant innovations and creations are why I am always on the rise. I have always been a person who runs a risk and never abided by rules nor have I ever considered them as a shelter to protect me. My blissfulness is achieved by transforming my clients, breaking the norms and respecting the grounds of Hair Designing. Hence, I have unintentionally created my own style in this domain, reframed and upraised the standards of Hair Designing. Today my message to my fellow hair designers who wants to achieve success is to respect your profession; craft it uniquely by mastering its rules first, and then defy them. Be passionate about what you love, be adventurous in your own style, be bold, be creative, be the revolution that the world of hair designing needs you to be! What I am offering to the hair audience is an international product in your control. A strong weapon for the venturous hair designers to transform your clients. What I ask you to do is to experiment with it and go beyond the protocol, I would love to see other creations than Mounir. I trust that my message connects with hair designers, just take the advantage to discover the world of possibilities in front of you which will definitely lead you to success. I am certain that you will achieve similar results and create even more colors as I have introduced a wide range of possibilities for the world of hair designing. You can reach your ultimate potential, just keep on transforming, keep on rising, and most importantly create a revolution in what you love to do! I am looking forward to live my revolution with you and passionately waiting to hear your revolutionary story!
Revolution & Transformation. It’s what I do. It’s what you have to do.

The world is for hairdressers!
Hello, our podcast today is about the products that triggered revolution in the hairdressing industry.
I am here with the creator himself Welcome to you, Mounir.
Thank you.
Today, we are going to cover a great length of details about the products and the different ranges.
The aim of today is to pick the mind of the creator himself and bring you so much details from a formulation perspective.
We will share with you complete details about every product. How it works, how it should work, how to mix it and how to use it to get the amazing result that Mounir himself gets.
Mounir, a big welcome to you! Thank you
We are ready to give all the needed information that they should know, and we want to deliver all the details to the relevant people.
It is a dream come true that these products are now available to hairdressers. What are the characteristics and why did I decide to do it?
Well, hairdressers know of me and know that I have been working with other famous worldwide brands. People also know that Mounir has a big passion for colors and for the hair industry. With over 20 years’ experience I felt that I needed to work with a product line that represent Mounir better and look like Mounir’s work and visions.
I got to a point where I could not accomplish the results with the other brands that were available in the market.
I worked to create my own products that would represent me and the important outcomes to clients at that particular time. It is a must for me to have my own product that allows me to achieve more goals.
I created this brand because of the suffer I went through as there is no single brand that can solve all your problems and achieve the versatile results.
The aim from creating the range of colors is to make the hair dresser’s life easier and simple.
And to help the hairdressers to become more creative.
The health of the hair is so important to me. I was always look ing for products that protect the quality of my client’s hair because I was suffering with these challenges before.
Also, the final quality of the result is also important to me since I felt I wasn’t progressing anymore with previous brands.
The products we are discussing today looks and represent Mounir 100%.
The range took a lot of my time to formulate to ensure it represents my style and my unique technique. It doesn’t look like any other brand.
I focused on many important aspects. For example, in the cases of white or grey hair, I worked so hard to ensure that my brand will have great coverage on the grey but deposit to pigment seamlessly.
In addition, I worked in particular to make sure that the hair is shiny and strong after the dye process, so our colors really leave the hair feeling soft, shiny and stronger.
Plus, the shades that I chose in my range and that we will talk about in detail, are a great representation of my colors and look like a Mounir range.
I get asked a lot about 0.11 or if the grey color of this brand is the same as another brand?
This range that I created doesn’t look or compare with any other dye because it is formulated to deliver the results differently. Let’s start with the base colors.